Meet Lexie Cornett

The Photographer & Artist



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However you landed on my website.....

I am so happy that you're here!

My name is Lexie and I was born & raised in Detroit, Michigan! But since I was old enough to realize how big the world really was, I've been a jetsetter ready to see something new. My love for photography started over a decade ago, but I got serious about making it more than my passion project in 2016. Since then, I've had the opportunity to photograph dozens of families, couples and businesses as they flourished.

A few years ago, I got to be part of something amazing.

it all started with baby harlowe!

When I was 14, my older sister had a beautiful baby girl who would later be named Harlowe. My sister made the selfless decision to allow an amazing family the opportunity to adopt baby Harlowe. The adoptive Mom was a photographer and has captured every milestone in Harlowe's life. At the time, I thought it was cool but as time has gone on I have realized what this means.

We have been privileged enough to stay really close with Harlowe's family. Because of this, I get to watch baby Harlowe grow up through photos. Every photo we are sent means so much to my family and makes us feel close to Harlowe. Each year Harlowe's adoptive family sends us an album of all the new photos taken of her, professional and candid. To us it's not just a scrapbook, it is my little niece and her big brother and baby sister growing up. 

I feel so blessed to be able to capture moments just like these for other families.

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